RMRR Board of Directors

What the Board Does:

The RMRR Board of Directors handles planning and managing club operations.  The board consists of a five-member Executive Committee of consisting of the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Marketing Director and Secretary. There are 10 additional board positions: Volunteer Coordinator, Sponsor Liaison, Webmaster, Quartermaster, Scoring, and at-large activities. Finally, there are several volunteers in critical functional roles who regularly attend meetings.

You can see the Open roles below…we would love to fill them!  Talk to Scott or any board member if you’re interested.

Where we meet

Board meetings are held on the Monday before each Trophy Series race. We usually hold these meetings virtually via Zoom.  Meetings usually begin at 7:00pm.

2025 Board Members

Executive Committee

  • President: Scott Newman.   Scott is responsible for the overall operation of the club.
  • Vice President:  Adam Feerst.  Adam is responsible for executing key club activities and strategies for the year.
  • Treasurer:  Leslie Mitchell.  Leslie is responsible for RMRR finances.
    We’re looking for an assistant to learn the ropes and be able to fill in for Leslie when she’s on one of her many fun trips.  Let Scott Newman know if you’re interested!
  • Secretary:  Dave Kahn. 
  • Marketing and social media:   Chin Goh designs the club marketing strategy for the year and leads marketing activities
  • Scoring:  Adam Feerst (board lead) with Scott Newman and David Kahn.  This team has smoothed out the scoring process and made it easier for us to track our runners.
  • Race Committee:  David Rothenburger (board lead) with Adam Feerst.
    David develops the race schedule for the year, designs new courses, and helps us deal with all race-related issues.  They also determine where we race, developing new courses and updates to existing courses.
  • Volunteer Coordinator:  Open! 
    This person lines up volunteers for all of our club events and maintains reported volunteer hours in our tracking spreadsheet.
  • Sponsor Liaison:  Open!  This person builds a list of sponsor liaisons who report sponsor updates, gather raffle prizes, and make sure RMRR forms are in stock in local running stores. 
  • Quartermaster:  Open!  The quartermaster keeps our equipment in great shape by fixing what breaks.
  • Membership Database Coordinator:  Adam Feerst.  Adam manages membership activities through our RunSignup database.
  • Website Manager:  Scott Newman. Scott is responsible for overall site content and structure (what pages show up where). 
  • At Large Members – Sharyl Riley and David Rothenburger   These are board members without specific responsibilities.  They participate in board meetings and get involved in key club projects.
  • Permits:  Sharyl Riley.  

Non-Board Key Volunteer Roles

  • Track Workouts:  David Rothenburger   David puts together the track workouts and leads the group at our Wednesday track sessions.
  • Special Events:  open.  These people organize special events like the annual banquet and the Denver Marathon water station.

Click here to view the minutes from the board’s monthly meetings.

Become a Board Member

We are always looking for members interested in participating on the board–we need you!  For more information or to join the RMRR board, please email David Kahn or Scott Newman.





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