RMRR Board Meeting
RMRR Board Meeting
Tuesday September 6, 2016
Present: Dave Cunningham., Debbie Cunningham., Rick, Lisa Wilson, Dave Rothenberger, Steve Bennett, Jim Mair
Treasurers Report- Leslie Mitchell was not present but sent the board member an email which stated,
“As I have mentioned before, I have had numerous difficulties preparing RMRR financial reports. It was a perfect storm of the 1) credit union changing its Bill Pay program, 2) I switched from a PC to a Mac, which lead to 3) having to convert from Quicken for PC to Quicken for Mac. I have finally been able to convert all of our records, so the data is now accurate; however, the formatting of the reports is not working out. I have since learned that Quicken for Mac isn’t well regarded and I understand why. I’ve attached a balance sheet, as well as YTD income statements for this year and last. I am unable to prepare one report with both year’s data for easy comparison. The reports are cumbersome. Sorry.
Here are the highlights: We continue to keep around $23,000 in our bank accounts.
YTD gross income is up $1,100, due to Membership (+$900), and Coaching (+245). We have received almost all of the Living Social revenue (they hold back for refunds) and should get the last few dollars in October. YTD expenses are lower than last year by $3,100, with the biggest difference in Membership Benefits. Overall, we have a YTD “profit” of $1,200 compared to a YTD “loss” last year of $3,000.
A few reminders:
If you need a bill paid or to be reimbursed, just send me an email. You can either scan the documentation and email it to me, or mail it to me. I will order a check asap. Deb Cunningham has the checkbook and is an authorized signer if you need a check immediately.
If you have any checks for the club, please get them to me as soon as possible. I am unable to attend most of the board meetings and events, so it’s best if you either drop them off at my house or mail them to me (1451 S Vine St, Denver, 80210). We had a situation last month where a check to the club was returned by their bank because it was older than 3 months when I finally got it and deposited it. We incurred a fee of $33 from our bank (ouch) for the return. Please don’t hold onto checks and plan on giving them to me at a meeting or an event. I’m sorry that I’m out of town so much. I am home often enough to check my own mail as well as the club’s post office box.”
August Trophy Race- the course seemed to be liked by the runners over last year’s course which started with a hill. There were no real problems with scoring but it is important to record all the 0:00 starters. Deb C. suggested adding the handicap time at the end of the race and starting all runners at the same time. Rick suggested moving back to the way things used to be done with any 0:00 runners having to talk with the Race Director to determine if the reason is legitimate. Discussion about this focused on the origins of the RMRR and keeping the start the same. Dave R. reported that the September Trophy Series is all set and ready to go. The August 28 Marathon Series had 39 runners with most doing the 20-miler.
Volunteer of the Month- Jerry Greenwald was nominated for his work as cook at the BBQ last month.
October Trophy Series- Lisa Wilson reported that the race has to be conducted October 2 at the 108th & Colorado location. Deb & Dave C. will be race directors due to the scheduled director being out of town. At this late date there cannot be a road crossing and police would be required. There was discussion about the course. Rick suggested 3/3-mile loops and change the November Rocky Mountain Arsenal run a 10-miler instead since that run has to be changed anyway.
Marketing- Lisa Wilson reported that the club Face Book page views and engagements were up even though we haven’t had our September race yet. Usually views go up after a race when people have just raced and want to see pictures and results. Lisa also reported on the Colfax Marathon. She has emailed Carol Hiller- volunteer coordinator for the marathon, and told her the RMRR would like to be involved with a water station at the race.
Board Positions- Dave C. reported that many, many people have expressed an interest in volunteering next year. Dave will conduct scoring training on Thursday September 8 with four (4) people and website training on Sunday September 18 for four (4) people. There was somebody (?) that volunteered to be a Sponsor Visitor to local running stores and reach out for giveaway items, club discounts, and advertise the RMRR Club. This is a position that has not been staffed for some time so there are base level responsibilities that need to be re-introduced, such as meeting with some of the smaller running stores and non-traditional stores such as REI, Boulder Running Company, and Runners Roost.
Discussion was held re: the manner in which board members are determined. Deb C. said the club by-laws dictate a volte to be held at a general meeting, but since there are not general meetings this could be accomplished at the annual banquet. Dave C. will email all nominees to determine if they are interested. Steve Bennett, who was in attendance at the board meeting, indicated he would be interested in the VP position if Lisa Wilson was club president.
End of Year Gifts- There was discussion about end-of-year awards and volunteer gifts. The costs should be about +/- $25 per item. Did Stephanie purchase the stadium chairs that had been previously discussed? Dave C. will email her to determine. After lots of discussion the topic was tabled to next month.