29Feb2016 Board Meeting Minutes!

Monday February 29, 2016 6:30pm
Cunningham’s House 5th and Humboldt

Scott N, Mike Blanchette, Deb, Dave C, Lisa W, David, Rick E.

Treasurer Report – all good. 80 people signed up for Living Social!

Trophy Race – February
Mike B:
– need to update the race director guide
> David will update the guide by March 15, and Dave C will post on RD pages
– RD needs to make sure volunteers assigned
– good to know minimum number needed for each race
– cones on bridges

Trophy Race – March Race Sun March 6 – Crown Hill 3 Mile (Ken and Janet)
– Start from the north side again
– Volunteers
– Parking at Wheat Ridge High School off of 32nd just east of Kipling
– need to check with Janet about portapotty. Dave C give Janet a call and ask about it and address.
– Other race issues
> This month’s race letter: Dave send out reminder for white elephant raffle

Volunteer of the Month – February
need to figure out who the woman with broken kneecap was – helped with aid station

Marathon training Series
– Sat March 26 – David R
– Sun April 10 – Steph and Sharyl R.
– Sat April 24 – David R and Rich Coleman

Membership and other issues Dave C.
> Dave send an email to club: reminder to people about signup
– scoring going well, figured how to align databases with RunSignup help
– will want to send emails from RunSignup now – it has the updated database and does emails well.  No need to use Mailchimp!

Marketing – Lisa
nearly 1500 likes on Facebook
photos are a big draw
Facebook login –

> Dave C get Mike B 500 copies of 1/3 page flyer

Store outreach – Rich E
> Dave send email to Rich with ideas on working with RR

> New Board Members – Jim Mair – Dave call him and get involved for April as at-large

– Bonnie managing SS: Platte and DeKoevend
– think we have Denver parks taken care of, but not getting full details from Janet

RR/Colfax run on March 19 – Lisa is the director, and we’d like RMRR to be a sponsor.
> Dave C create two codes for the event: COLFAX and REVRUN. Codes good for member price, any/all races
Provide to Lisa and Deb

Long Runs on Wed Night 6pm River Point Shopping center
Track will start April 6 – North High

Colfax Marathon – Tent

Anything else

Yes! – Dave C will continue to focus on scoring and membership changes, and Scott N is taking over the VP role for the club.  Yay Scott!

Related Images:

RESULTS!! February 2016 Trophy Series

Well, Valentine’s Day treated our RMRR runners well.  We had wonderful weather and a big turnout for the February 7M and 5k races at the Platte River Bar and Grill.  We had some strong running performances, then all enjoyed coming in for chips and a drink at the PRBG.  Nice!

Noah Turbyfill won the 5k race, followed by Clint Gersabeck and Paul DeFelice.  In our 7M race, Heather Reddy came in first, with Angela Stevens and Maureen Harvey coming in 2nd and 3rd.  In the Race Walker category, Janet Fairs won, followed by Mike Blanchard and Jan Hill.  Finally, with lots of speedy people out there, Sabine Preisinger and Eric Greene were our fast runners of the day.

We had a fantastic turnout of over 120 runners, and lots of people enjoyed the great food at Platte River, who were fantastic hosts.  Thanks PRBG – you folks rock!


Race Details

Date:   Sunday February 14.  We’re running a week later because we all watched the BRONCOS WIN THE SUPER BOWL!
Location:  Platte River Bar and Grill in Littleton on Santa Fe south of Bowles.
Google Link: https://goo.gl/maps/Gv86Xshgh542

Photos on RMRR Facebook – Feb 2016 Gallery




5k Runners

1Noah Turbyfill21:4307:00
2Clint Gersabeck22:0107:06
3Paul DeFelice23:2407:33
4Robert Romero23:4207:39
5Jessica Praska24:5708:03
6Cori Diekmeier25:2608:12
7Bob Gersabeck26:2708:32
8Alex Navarro26:4808:39
9Sarah Zavala26:5608:41
10Sheridan Murphy27:2408:50
11Jim Lenyo28:4909:18
12Ed Youngberg28:5309:19
13Leslie Mitchell29:0809:24
14Jack Finch30:3309:51
15Ken Fleischhacker30:5109:57
16Crystal Littrell31:2410:08
17Christa Cecere32:1610:25
18Rariel Walker32:4310:33
19Rebecca Walker32:4710:35
20Matthew Trujillo32:5310:36
21Rebecca Brown33:3510:50
22Liz Brown33:4010:52
23Therese Jones33:4310:53
24Tyler Herrera34:1211:02
25Shannon Morgan35:4311:31
26John Eiler36:0711:39
27Holly Romero39:0212:35
28Nick Kramer39:4312:49
29Zach Rios40:4213:08
30Lori Herrera42:3613:45
31Ashley Cordoba43:3114:02
32Olga Hnizdil47:1715:15
33Hilarie Ryals47:1915:16
34John Lynn47:4815:25
35Stacy Hogg48:1815:35
36Zac Kovacs50:2516:16
37Jennifer Kovacs50:2716:16
38Danielle Trujillo58:4818:58


TS Runners

1Reddy, Heather461:26:2112:202713114210028.282
2Stevens, Angela451:03:129:0289310498.9380.691
3Harvey, Maureen581:08:149:451310210897.8766.92
4Mitchell, Joe1:06:289:30399910496.844.732
5Preisinger, Sebastian590:50:597:1711687495.7385.452
6Kazmierski, Stefan600:51:397:2314697594.6781.092
7Scheid, John1:00:388:4027899393.662.182
8Kanieski, Robert380:51:547:2516707592.5378.182
9Basse, Bob610:50:507:1610687291.4786.912
10Look, Harley1:04:069:0935959890.450.552
11Mather, Carl510:46:136:366566089.3392.731
12Tripp, Charles1:02:438:5833929588.2753.452
13Chesbro, Mitch571:25:2812:135312913187.224.362
14Look, Susan1:08:109:441210210486.1369.662
15Greene, Eric350:40:395:481394285.071002
16Turbyfill, Ryan370:45:296:30454568495.641
17Rothenburger, David470:45:316:305545682.9394.182
18Daly, John301:00:168:3726888981.8763.641
19Carter, JoEllen531:08:449:491410310480.864.142
20Nelson, Greg521:02:058:5228919279.7360.731
21Akin, Tina541:06:359:311110010078.6772.411
22Wheelock, Renee310:53:027:352737377.697.242
23Newman, Scott460:51:457:2415707076.5379.642
24Hogg, Scott470:51:207:2012696975.47842
25Daniels, John510:56:218:0317808074.476.732
26Preisinger, Sabine470:51:247:211696973.331002
27Halverson, Andrew270:44:276:213515172.2797.092
28Cunningham, Deb540:53:457:413747471.294.482
29Applegate, Ken671:02:358:5631929270.1356.362
30Cunningham, Dave550:56:398:0618808069.0775.272
31Mudron, Larry731:09:259:55421041046840.361
32McFarlane, Scott641:05:319:2236989766.9349.092
33Quispe, Michael490:43:416:142494765.8798.551
34Bergevin, Brian460:58:568:2524858464.866.552
35Maurer, Kortney291:13:1910:282011111063.7347.592
36Koster, Maranke400:58:018:174838262.6791.722
37Aguiniga, Jessica361:17:5011:072411811761.636.551
38Dailey, Scott500:46:486:418575560.5389.821
39Sanchez, Robert431:03:269:0434949259.47521
40Mott, Kristin391:11:3910:141910710658.450.342
41Beebe, Kerry611:15:2210:462311311257.3339.312
42Olson, Matt300:57:528:1620818056.2772.362
43Smith, John640:59:318:3025868355.265.091
44Hopkins, Michael460:57:308:1319797854.1373.822
45Johnson, Keith540:46:276:387575053.0791.271
46Serafini, Paul480:57:538:162179785270.912
47Struble, Stephanie491:06:339:3010969550.9375.172
48Shea, John581:05:339:2237949349.8747.642
49Hasseman, Mark601:05:379:2238959348.846.181
50Tibert, Robyn341:02:038:526878647.7386.212
51Baca, Peggy Sue511:18:3811:142611911546.6731.031
52Scheibe, Charles611:11:0210:094310310245.638.912
53Lenyo, Melissa261:02:338:567928644.5383.451
54Cecere, Matt380:48:246:559545343.4788.362
55Shaklee, Nicole521:15:1310:452210910842.442.072
56Kumpf, Howard741:20:3211:304911711641.3330.182
57Spree, Ed370:58:268:2122757440.2769.452
58Cosper, Michael441:02:198:5429838239.259.272
59Gunzner, Andrew271:02:208:5430858238.1357.821
60Bennett, Steve641:11:3110:13451009937.07362
61Kuck, Kerry581:13:2210:29461041023634.551
62Lake, Courtney251:37:4213:572814613934.9325.521
63Mair, James1:07:209:3740929033.8743.271
64Edrich, Rick551:02:418:5732818032.854.912
65Johnson, Kathy541:09:5910:00181059431.7353.11
66Blanchette, Michael590:58:568:2523777030.67681
67Maurer, Joe561:28:2512:385412412329.622.912
68Gentry, Tim530:51:377:2213625028.5382.551
69Bengston, Lee781:21:1011:365011211127.4728.732
70Robinette, Ric631:21:2211:375211111026.425.822
71Olson, Jeffrey561:15:4010:4947999825.3333.092
72Hill, David641:07:539:4241818024.2741.822
73Petersen, Dale591:18:5411:1648999823.231.642
74Serafini, Ruth361:14:4510:4121797822.1344.832
75Sibley, Ray611:33:2313:205510910221.0721.451


TS Racewalkers

1Fairs, Janet72-14:001:30:581:16:5813:001371401002
2Blanchard, Michael54-3:201:21:001:17:4011:34123125802
3Hill, Jan58-3:201:21:271:18:0711:38124125602
4Gussie, Ed74-24:031:42:241:18:2114:38152153402


New Members

RWood, Melissa1:08:540:001:08:549:51151046061.38
RColestock, Jennifer1:09:100:001:09:109:53161046058.62
RSponenberg, Erika1:09:330:001:09:339:56171056055.86
RScott, Nikki1:10:318:441:01:478:505916088.97
RSmith, LaSalle1:15:203:511:11:2910:13441086037.45
RMitchell, Krista1:16:249:551:06:299:309996077.93
RJuarez, Deserae1:19:481:571:17:5111:07251186033.79
RRosario, Reinaldo1:21:190:001:21:1911:37511236027.27
RKramer, Laura281:47:550:001:47:5515:25291596022.76


Guest Runners

dropped runner no scoreR0:59:250:000:59:258:29
John VictoriaR1:17:1031:170:45:536:33
Shawn SusserR1:18:1628:280:49:487:07
Alexander JohnsonR1:18:2127:370:50:447:15
Greg ThompsonR1:23:4133:100:50:317:13
Kerry`s GuideR1:24:2511:041:13:2110:29
Becca DummerR1:37:440:001:37:4413:58


YTD Trophy Series – Runners

R/WNameExpr1Total PointsRacesAve PointsMEMNUM
RMaureen HarveyF191.71295.866305
RMitch ChesbroM187.2293.64386
RCharles TrippM178.42289.216772
RSebastian PreisingerM172.35286.176671
REric GreeneM165.37282.695008
RBrian BergevinM161.11280.554398
RStefan KazmierskiM158.97279.495330
RJoe MitchellM156.8278.46923
RKen ApplegateM156.59278.30038
RDavid RothenburgerM154.63277.314700
RScott McFarlaneM154.63277.314395
RScott HoggM154.54277.275078
RDeb CunninghamF153.97276.983847
RJohn ScheidM153.6276.86924
RHarley LookM150.4275.26921
RScott NewmanM149.46274.735261
RMaranke KosterF147.9273.956568
RSabine PreisingerF147.49273.746672
RSusan LookF146.13273.076920
RBob BasseM145.93272.964886
RRobert KanieskiM145.76272.885876
RJoEllen CarterF140.8270.46903
RJohn DanielsM137.48268.746891
RKerry BeebeF135.18267.593209
RDave CunninghamM129.68264.843846
RCharles ScheibeM129.6264.85300
RMichael HopkinsM129.52264.766477
RAndrew HalversonM127.96263.986857
RHeather ReddyF121.23260.624679
RStephanie StrubleF118.93259.474397
RKristin MottF117.78258.896411
RMatt OlsonM116.27258.136922
RRenee WheelockF106.22253.116474
RHoward KumpfM103.18251.590815
RNicole ShakleeF100.55250.286577
RPaul SerafiniM99.08249.545838
RAngela StevensF98.93198.935990
RAnne GibbsF98.77198.776792
RKortney MaurerF98.5249.256467
RRick EdrichM98.34249.170392
RJames WorthenM97.54197.546892
RRic RobinetteM95.63247.821196
RSeth NooneM95.08195.086781
RJeff RossM92.62192.626904
RAdam LeeM91.38191.384264
RCarl MatherM89.33189.335121
REd YoungbergM88.92188.925061
RJohn SheaM88.33244.165622
RRyan TurbyfillM841846460
REd SpreeM83.65241.836801


YTD Trophy Series – Race Walkers

R/WNameExpr1Total PointsRacesAve Points
WJanet FairsF2002100
WMichael BlanchardM160280
WJan HillF120260
WEd GussieM80240


YTD Fast Female

SEXNameTotal PointsRacesAve Points
FSabine Preisinger2002100
FDeb Cunningham188.56294.28
FRenee Wheelock182.43291.21
FMaranke Koster179.87289.94
FRobyn Tibert162.5281.25
FStephanie Struble148.51274.25
FSusan Look131.14265.57
FJoEllen Carter128.58264.29
FMaureen Harvey122.45261.23
FRuth Serafini115.2257.6
FKristin Mott108.86254.43
FBeth Ross97.04197.04
FNicole Shaklee94.66247.33
FKortney Maurer91.29245.64
FTheresa Jockers91.11191.11
FNikki Scott88.97188.97
FKerry Beebe85.98242.99
FMelissa Lenyo83.45183.45
FSara Foster82.22182.22
FAngela Stevens80.69180.69
FCori Diekmeier79.26179.26
FKrista Mitchell77.93177.93
FTina Akin72.41172.41
FTina Heslinga67.41167.41
FMelissa Wood61.38161.38


YTD Fast Male

SEXNameTotal PointsRacesAve Points
MEric Greene2002100
MAndrew Halverson195.58297.79
MDavid Rothenburger191.16295.58
MMatt Cecere177.8288.9
MScott Hogg171.92285.96
MSebastian Preisinger168.85284.43
MBob Basse168.8284.4
MScott Newman166.05283.03
MStefan Kazmierski161.47280.73
MRobert Kanieski157.05278.52
MJohn Daniels152.58276.29
MMichael Hopkins151.18275.59
MMatt Olson146.7273.35
MDave Cunningham143.57271.79
MEd Spree142.28271.14
MPaul Serafini134.68267.34
MBrian Bergevin128.81264.4
MRick Edrich124.72262.36
MMichael Cosper113.99256.99
MJohn Scheid113.88256.94
MKen Applegate109.57254.79
MCharles Tripp102.13251.07
MDavid Hill99.55249.78
MMichael Quispe98.55198.55
MRyan Turbyfill95.64195.64


Related Images:

Jan 31 – RMRR Awards and Fun Banquet!!

Hey, RMRR friends.  The annual RMRR Awards banquet will be held on Sunday evening January 31.  Everyone with 15 or more volunteer hours gets to attend FREE, and if you weren’t able to get in that many hours, it’s around $20 for dinner.  We hope you’ll join us!  We’ll be at the clubhouse of the Homestead Golf Course in Lakewood, and you should plan to arrive between 5:30p and 6p.  Dinner starts at 6:30p.  We’ll have veggie and meat choices, and there is a cash bar.

We have a lot of fun during the banquet.  We honor all of our award winners:

  • Trophy Series Winners from 1st to 20th place
  • Fastest Female, Fastest Male
  • Volunteers, including Volunteer of the Year
  • Race Directors

and we also have a slide show with all of the pictures taken at club events over the past year.  It’s a great way to remember the fun we had during 2014 and celebrate those winning awards.  We hope to see you there!

If you’re interested in joining us, please RSVP to volunteer@rmrr.org and let us know how many people are coming and your choice of veggie or meat entree.  We will accept cash and checks at the door, but we need to plan numbers, so please let us know if you’ll join us!


The Homestead Golf Course is located on the North Hampden Frontage Road 3/4 of a mile west of Kipling Parkway in Lakewood close to Highway 285 and C-470.

Traveling from C470 east or west:
Exit C470 at Hampden Ave., or Highway 285. Proceed east on Hampden Ave for roughly 4 miles until you reach Kipling Parkway. Exit onto northbound Kipling to the first stop light which is the North Hampden Frontage Road, go left on the Frontage road roughly 1 mile. Follow the road and it will take you right up to The Homestead Golf Course.

Traveling from Kipling Parkway north or south:
Turn off Kipling Parkway at the North Hampden Frontage Road. Proceed west on the Frontage Road for 1 mile and this road will take you right to The Homestead Golf Course.


Related Images:

January 4 2016 Board Meeting

January 4     Ken, Scott, David, Deb, Dave C, Lisa, Stephanie, Rick E new board member yay!!!
Jan Race
  • great to have the heater and coffee
  • 104 runners
  • well run, no issues
Dec Race
went well, nice again to have coffee and hot chocolate
volunteer of the month – Ken!!
need more volunteer certificates – Dave will buy these from RR.  6 RR $24, 6 Amazon $25
Next race – 14Feb (later because SSuburban has a race on 7Feb)
Ken and Michael Blanchette
Dave – send Pancho information to Ken
Stephanie ordered handwarmers for volunteers
MTS – move race to March 26 Saturday
Janet working on permits.  Bonnie ready, waiting for Ashley’s name.  Dave send Ashley’s name to Bonnie.
Treasurers Report – Leslie
These are Leslie’s notes, but we did not discuss next steps.
Income:  As we have been discussing for most of the year, the club’s income
is down.  Compared to last year, revenues are down by $3,500.  This is due
to a decrease in paid club Membership ($2,470) and Race Income ($1,400).
Race Income is down in all categories (Fall MTS $785, Spring MTS $450,
Trophy Series $170).Expenses:  Compared to last year, Expenses appear to have increased by
$4,000.  However, there’s more to the story.  Expenses for 12/28/14 don’t
include the RRCA payment which was made on 12/30 ($1,400) and 2015 doesn’t
include rent which will be debited out today ($500).  The true year end
report will show that last year we profited by about $1,200 and this year we
lost about $5,500.A few things to note on the 2015 expenses:  We deliberately chose to spend
about $1,400 on water bottles.  Also, Race Expenses have gone up
dramatically.  This is due to Permits and Port A Potties costling a lot
more.  Our Volunteer Awards Expenses was low in 2014 and in 2014.

So, what does all of this mean?  Membership and MTS income is down
significantly.  After the above adjustments, YTD income in 2014 was $1,200
and was a loss of $5,500 in 2015.  Adjusting for discretionary expenses
(water bottles, volunteer awards) the loss in 2015 is about $2,800, a $4,000
“swing” year over year.

Volunteer of the year – nominations
Leslie Mitchell
Lisa Wilson
Ed Gussie
Ken will gather names and votes, get the trophy updated
Dave C buy gift certs for president and VOY.  Do this at RR when I talk to Barb about ideas.
Lisa doing more Facebook posts.
also need to push Facebook interest in our emails…but no one doing emails since Maria left!
Banquet – Jan 31
Lisa will post photos and invites for the event
reservation is done
dinner at 630, come at 545-600
dinner = garlicky chicken or ravioli; baked potato, salad.  Cakes from Costco – we will provide.
Gifts – Steph has hats, getting mugs, adding Einsteins gift cards
Deb – awards all done
Volunteer Needs
Membership – Dave C needs to update the new database process, and he and scott will work on this issue together as well as
Secretary – Dave will continue this for now.  Great to have a new board member do this.
VP – Dave will hold the role for now.
Quartermaster – open
Scoring – Dave working with Scott and Kristin
permits – Janet, Bonnie.  Rick will connect with them and write up the process.  Have Ashley connect with Rick if she’s still interested.
Asst treasurer to learn what Leslie does – open
Webmaster – open
Sponsors – Rick E.  Dave C connect with Rick to talk with RR.
Volunteers – Steph and Ken will keep this role.
Dave C. send email to potential board members we identified in last meeting.
Next meeting Monday Feb 1  6:30pm

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